North Bay Labor Council's 2022 Primary Endorsements

It’s that time of year again and the North Bay Labor Council has been hard at work vetting candidates and issues for the Primary Election on June 7th. But before going into our endorsements please make sure that you’re registered to vote.
The last day to register for the June 7th Primary is May 23rd. However, if you miss that deadline, you will still be able to cast a provisional ballot. That said, the best thing to do is register before the 23rd.
Our process for evaluating candidates is thorough and thoughtful. Each candidate must fill out a questionnaire within 10 days of receiving it. They are then interviewed by the Interview Committee. The attempt is to have a broad range of Union affiliates on the committee. The process and procedure was deliberated prior to beginning.
Deciding on endorsements is a long and involved process. It requires hours of reviewing questionnaires, hours in interviews, followed by hours of discussion. This process is not for the faint of heart and not for those unwilling to give it a lot of time and effort. Candidates are asked questions about their positions on workers issues, Union issues, their experience in leadership roles, the importance of diversity, their campaigns, and much more. The Interview Committee makes a recommendation on local candidates which then has to be ratified by the Labor Council body with a two thirds majority. Once we’re done, you can be sure the endorsed candidates are Union friendly if not Union siblings themselves.
State and Federal races are handled at the State Labor Federation level. Labor Councils are asked to make recommendations on legislators in their area that are then carried over to the Labor Fed and finalized there. For the full list of Labor endorsements throughout the state click here.
Here is our full slate of endorsements for the 2022 Primary.
If you have any questions about our endorsements, the process or whatever, feel free to reach out to me, (Maddy, NBLC Political Director) at