It's International Workers Day - Join the Caravan
It's May Day, International Workers Day. Join online with a caravan of cars going to the Capitol.
Here's what we're asking for:
1. More financial assistance to the undocumented
Más ayuda económica para los indocumentados
2. Health and Safety protections for domestic workers and day laborers (Pass SB 1257)
Protecciones de salud y seguridad para las trabajadoras domésticas (SB1257)
3. Shut down all immigrant detention centers in the state
Cierre a todas los centros de detención en el estado.
4. Rent cancellation in California
Cancelación de renta durante la crisis
It's going to take working together to get us through this. Please join our caravan remotely. It will be live facebooked from this NBLC page or you can participate on zoom.…
Thank you for your support!
In Solidarity!!