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McGuire and Wood receive 100% scores for 2018

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The California State Labor Federation has released its “Force for Progress” legislative scorecard for 2018. The Labor Fed rates legislators on how they voted on bills dealing with such issues as strengthening the middle class, fighting sexual and racial discrimination in the workplace, affordable housing, infrastructure investment, protection of immigrant workers and many other bills put forward to protect workers.

We’re happy to report that two of our local legislators earned top scores. Senator Mike McGuire and Assemblyman Jim Wood both received 100% ratings for their votes in the 2018 Legislative year.

We’re pretty lucky here in the North Bay. Sonoma, Mendocino, Lake and Marin Counties – all represented by the North Bay Labor Council – have 5 legislators representing us at the state level.

Senator Bill Dodd received a score of 96%, Assemblymembers Cecilia Aguair-Curry and Marc Levine both received a rating of 93%.

However, this doesn't mean we can take anything for granted. We need to pay attention, stay in touch with our legislators on a regular basis and let them know we're here...all the time, not just during election years.

The ratings account for committee and floor votes and also reflect the legislator’s lifetime scores.

To see the details and how legislators did in other parts of the state click here.