2023 Primary Endorsements
Ballots for the 2023 Primary election will be landing in mailboxes the weekend of July 14. We've been hard at work finding candidates that support the hardworking women and men of Pierce County.
The Committee on Political Education (COPE) of the Pierce County Central Labor Council spent more than 30 hours this spring reading questionaries and interviewing candidates running for elected office in Pierce County.
The PCCLC is a federation of labor unions representing the interests of more than 42,000 hard working women and men represented 97 affiliates.
The following COPE recommendations for endorsement were approved by the delegate body. These candidates, through their written questionnaires and interviews, have earned the support of the PCCLC, AFL-CIO.
Pierce County Council District 2
Jamie Smith
City of Tacoma District 8
Kristina Walker
City of Tacoma District 3
Malando Redeemer
Civil Service Board Position No. 3
Myrah Lyle Ballentine
City of Puyallup District No. 2 Position No. 1
Joe Colombo
Ballots are due no later than 8 p.m. August 1. You can find your closest drop box here: Pierce County Drop Boxes.