CATA and ATU Local 1039 Fact Finding Report and Response

On February 12, 2021, a State fact finder issued a report recommending changes to the contract between CATA and Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1039. The contract has been expired since November 30, 2019. Despite the Union agreeing to many concessions, the parties have been unable to reach an agreement. CATA still seeks substantial givebacks, many of which were rejected by the fact finder and would gut long-standing benefits, overtime provisions, and work procedures.
“CATA’s maintenance and operations employees are the life-blood of the transit system and they have risked their lives to ensure that public transit continues to operate in the Greater Lansing area,” says Union President/Business Agent Steven Soliz. “The Union is not willing to throw its contractual protections under the bus, especially at a time when CATA has received an unprecedented tens of millions of dollars from the federal government. The Union looks forward to getting back to the bargaining table and reaching an agreement that respects its employees and the sacrifices they have already made.”
The fact finder’s report and the Union’s response are published with this release and can be viewed in their entirety.