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The Georgia State AFL-CIO Stands Against the GOP Tax Overhaul

Charlie Flemming
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Statement by Georgia AFL-CIO President Charlie Flemming in response to the Republican tax bill passing the Senate:

Both versions of the GOP tax bill, which passed the House and the Senate, respectively, are a direct attack on working people in Georgia and across America. This bill is an attempt by the wealthy and corporate elites in our nation to rig the economy against the working families.

Through this tax bill, corporations and billionaires will pay less while working people pay more. Instead of giving tax relief to working people, this bill gives billions of tax giveaways to big corporations their shareholders while they continue to underpay their workers and outsource jobs.

The unions of the Georgia AFL-CIO are disappointed in those from our delegation to the House and Senate that voted for this bill. These elected officials provided a huge giveaway to their wealthiest donors under the guise of providing tax relief for the working families of Georgia. We thank those Congressmen that did stand with working people and vote “no”.

We hope that in the conference committees, our elected officials will recognize that this legislation unacceptable. Republican legislators are focused on passing this deficit-increasing and job-killing bill as a favor to President Trump before the new year. Instead, we hope that our representatives in Congress will take the time to have an open process where they listen to working families and create legislation that will benefit a majority of Americans, not just a wealthy few.