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Dallas Labor Asks For Your Help!

Gene Lantz, Digital Organizing Committee
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The Dallas AFL-CIO has joined in a major fund raising project to boost the power of working people here. Political Director Lorraine Montemayor says that the Dallas AFL-CIO is having a profound effect on the current elections, but that we could do much more if we had the resources.


Our main resource continues to be the volunteers who show up for our weekly canvassing and phone banking activities. Canvassing is at 10 AM every Saturday morning and phone banking is 5-8PM each Monday until the March 6 primary. Join us at 1408 N Washington, make a donation, and/or call Montemayor at 214-448-1557 to see how you can pitch in!

Are Your Friends In the Loop?

Solidarity depends on good communications. Please ask your friends to network with the labor movement.

Early Voting Is On!

Increasingly, elections are won or lost in early voting. The Dallas AFL-CIO joined with the Communications Workers, Texas Alliance for Retired Americans, and other supporters of working people to rally on February 20, the first day of early voting. The weather forecast called for a 100% chance of rain, but political director Lorraine Montemayor refused to be dismayed. She put out the call to participate “rain or shine,” and 40 enthusiastic activists joined the rally at the George Allen Courthouse downtown.


Herb Keener of CWA 6215 opened the rally with a strong message of solidarity for all. Lorraine Montemayor was interviewed for WBAP news. Our chants and singing rose above the sound of falling rain and everybody had a great time. 

Early voting is underway now and continues until 7 PM on Friday, March 2. Dallas County voters can go to any of 41 sites. They are listed on-line

Supreme Court Menaces Democracy

A blow against the right to organize is a blow against democracy in America, and the Supreme Court is considering such a move in the Janus case now being heard. If they rule against working people, public sector workers can expect a heavy blow.

The Dallas newspaper reported that an earlier vote indicated an even split in the court, but that was before President Trump put Neil Gorsuch on the court. Gorsuch, according to the article, holds the decision in his hands. A national day of action was called by the AFL-CIO to make sure people know the stakes.

More Actions Coming Up

Feb 24, 10A: Weekly Saturday block walking from 1408 N Washington. Lorraine Montemayor 214-448-1557

Feb 24: AFL-CIO Day of Action to defend public sector union members

Feb. 26: The Supreme Court case called Janus v. AFSCME is being heard. 

Mar 3, 11A: "Impeach Trump Solidarity March Dallas - Nationwide Party 2" at Dallas City Hall, 1500 Marilla

Mar 24, 11A: March For Our Lives starts at Dallas City Hall-1500 Marilla St · Dallas, TX. This event is being organized by local students  North Texas Progressive

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